An Overview of Internet Applications Today

From its early steps in the 1960 to 1970 decade, internet applications have come a long way.  The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in 1962 became the basis for the sharing of computing power resource and later transformed into the Telnet Protocol that allowed a user on one machine to log on to another device over a computer network.  This advance was followed by the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) developed in 1971 that allowed a user in one system to connect to another system to send or retrieving a particular file. The network became known as the ARPANET.

From ARPANET, the Internet was born when in 1973 Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf began to consider ways to interconnect systems of networks with different bandwidth, delay, and error properties than the telephone lines of the ARPANET.  The first e-mail program developed in 1972 by Ray Tomlinson of BBN was made a part of the first TCP/IP designed to interconnect multiple networks to form an Internet.

ARPANET later developed into Local Area Networks (LAN) using Ethernet stations to allow shared-media from one computer to another.  LAN then evolved into Integrated Networking and advanced into the CSNET and NSFNET to become systems of integrated networks.

The IEEE Xplore Digital Library has presented the next generation of internet applications where new protocols are developed to respond to the growing variety and volume of traffic on the Internet and intranets.  This development includes IPv6 a protocol to enable low-power handheld devices to tap into the Internet, including refrigerators, soda machines, and electric meters.

Protocols like IPv6, RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol), and RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol) are attempts to meet the needs of users today while taking the Internet into the future.

Internet applications today include email marketing or the use of current electronic mail technology through the web or internet to reach out to people who may be interested in one’s business, products or services.  Email marketing can happen even without a personal meeting between two parties.

Web designing primarily used for marketing and communication, either by way of a static web page using static content or through a dynamic web page using a document database and content management systems.  The open source license released by Netscape in 1998 enabled thousands of web developers to improve the web designing software. Web design also uses some specialized computer languages, formats and technology protocols like HTML, Flash using animated GIFs and JavaScript for motion graphics and widgets.

Next application is social brand awareness requiring a sustained presentation or flashing of the brand and its image or symbol to as many media outlets as possible that include print media, broadcast or radio, television, and online. And in online media, the most popular social media platforms being used are Facebook and Twitter.  

Then we have online marketing where an online service provider can place the press release story in an industry classification that fits into an SEO keyword search.  In some providers, the standard categories may include news in focus, auto and transport, consumer products and retail, financial services and investment, general business, health, policy and public interest, and people and culture.

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